Nuevo Metodo 2.

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Groan. Groan.
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(gemir, quejarse).
She groaned in pain.
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Ella gimió de dolor.
He groaned when she had to wake up early.
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El se quejó cuando tuvo que despertarse temprano.
Shroud. Shroud.
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cubrir, envolver, ocultar.

A thick fog shrouded the city.
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Una densa niebla cubría la ciudad.
His past is shrouded in mystery.
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Su pasado está envuelto en misterio.

Otherworldly. Otherworldly.
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de otro mundo, sobrenatural.
The sunset had an otherworldly beauty.
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El atardecer tenía una belleza de otro mundo.
Her voice sounded otherworldly.
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Su voz sonaba sobrenatural.
Flicker. Flicker.
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(parpadear, titilar).
The candle flickered in the wind.
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La vela parpadeó con el viento.
The lights flickered for a moment.
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Las luces titilaron por un momento.
Cast. Cast.
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lanzar, tirar, proyectar, echar.
The tree cast a long shadow.
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El árbol proyectaba una sombra larga.
He cast a stone into the river.
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Él lanzó una piedra al río.

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