Roman Slang

Roman Slang
Do you like Italian language but you find it difficult to understand slang? Give a try to the Roman slang!

You’ll finally understand about what people are arguing about!
Start talking like a Rome local!
Impress your Roman mates with the local common expressions sayings!
Let us warn you - this slang course contains a lot of swear words
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Expressions related to food - Espressioni collegate al ciboExpressions related to food - Espressioni collegate al cibo  
10 flashcards
Expressions of amazement or satisfaction / dissatisfaction - Espressioni di stuporeExpressions of amazement or satisfaction / dissatisfaction - Espressio...  
10 flashcards
Expressions of quantity or movement - Espressioni connesse alla quantitàExpressions of quantity or movement - Espressioni connesse alla quantità  
7 flashcards
Warnings, advice and testing patience and trust - Avvertimenti, consigli e mettere alla prova pazienza e fiduciaWarnings, advice and testing patience and trust - Avvertimenti, consig...  
7 flashcards
Common and useful verbs - Verbi utili e comuniCommon and useful verbs - Verbi utili e comuni  
12 flashcards
Expressions concerning places - Espressioni riguardanti luoghiExpressions concerning places - Espressioni riguardanti luoghi  
7 flashcards
Common phrase and sayings - Modi di dire comuniCommon phrase and sayings - Modi di dire comuni  
13 flashcards
Expressions of greeting and farewell - Espressioni di saluto e ringraziamentoExpressions of greeting and farewell - Espressioni di saluto e ringraz...  
7 flashcards
In the car - In macchinaIn the car - In macchina  
7 flashcards
Wide-spread spoken expressions - Espressioni del parlato molto diffuseWide-spread spoken expressions - Espressioni del parlato molto diffuse  
9 flashcards
Folk wisdom - Saggezza popolareFolk wisdom - Saggezza popolare  
12 flashcards
Expressions concerning the mood and personality - Espressioni riguardanti lo stato d'animo e carattereExpressions concerning the mood and personality - Espressioni riguarda...  
9 flashcards
Not only Roman slang... common Italian sayings - Proverbi italiani comuniNot only Roman slang... common Italian sayings - Proverbi italiani comuni  
7 flashcards
Swear words and insults - Parolacce e insultiSwear words and insults - Parolacce e insulti  
13 flashcards

Learn the Roman dialect with flashcards

If you've searched a course like this one you probably have already good basics of the Italian language and you want to learn more about the dialects, or maybe you're organizing a trip to Rome and you want to learn some roman words before your trip. Either way, this course is for you! Show off your knowledge of the Roman dialect with your Italian friends and see their reaction!
The roman dialect, better known as "romanesco", is very old, as most of the Italian dialects. Unlike some other Italian dialects, the roman one is pretty similar to the Italian language, so if you already have some knowledge of Italian maybe you'll find it easier to understand and to remember roman words.

The pronunciation may be a little bit difficult, but don't worry! You'll be able to listen to the pronunciation while you're learning new roman words, this way you won't have to search for it on the internet!

Try out our course to learn roman words and slang

This course will give you all the knowledge you'll need to speak like a true resident of Rome! In the course, you will find different lessons, each made for a different topic. Here are some examples:

  • Expressions related to food;
  • Common and useful verbs;
  • Expressions concerning places;
  • Expressions of greeting and farewell;
  • Expressions concerning the mood and personality.

You'll find all sorts of interesting sayings and roman words, there are many more topics that will be discussed in this course, go and check them out!

Learn more languages with VocApp

With our flashcards studying a new language (or dialect) has never been easier, you'll learn new roman words every day! If you're satisfied with this course on the roman dialect, then you should totally try out all our other courses. On our website, you can find courses of over 30 languages, from Hungarian to Japanese and Norwegian. In your case, we would highly recommend to try out our Italian courses, like Italian for travelling and Everyday phrases in Italian. Get more proficient in any language you want with VocApp, you won't regret it! Come join us now!
