VocApp is an independent online service and application , which the school can freely adjust according to its branding , for example choosing your own domain (englishschool.vocapp.com or schoolOfEnglish.vocapp.school.com), icons, colors, welcome screens, etc.
It is an efficient and friendly way to learn vocabulary and phrases (available online and through a mobile application). Students and teachers can create their own flashcards, which are automatically enrichedrecordings, illustrations, examples and translations available in VocApp. Our teaching methodology is based on the System of Regular Repetitions , and students have dosblunt to several types of exercises and games.
In addition, the application gives the teacher the opportunity to prepare their own list of phrases and sentences during classes, or just after them. This lesson can be made available to the whole group to give them access to the notethrough mobile phones. These flashcards are also available on your computer and can be downloaded as mp3 recordings.