Italian: day 2

Italian: day 2
Take the next step in your journey!

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Useful phrases and rich vocabulary? Nessun problema!
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Number - NumeriNumber - Numeri  
66 flashcards
And, or, but, so... - E, ma, quindi...And, or, but, so... - E, ma, quindi...  
23 flashcards
Space - SpaziSpace - Spazi  
32 flashcards
Useful nouns - Sostantivi utiliUseful nouns - Sostantivi utili  
34 flashcards
Useful phrases - Frasi utiliUseful phrases - Frasi utili  
20 flashcards
Features - CaratteristicheFeatures - Caratteristiche  
30 flashcards
Time - Il TempoTime - Il Tempo  
26 flashcards
A typical conversation from a student's book;) - Una conversazione tipo tra studentiA typical conversation from a student's book;) - Una conversazione tip...  
15 flashcards
Show all lessons (12)

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Romance languages: Italian language

The Italian language is a widely spoken language around the world. Over 60 million people speak this beautiful language. For this reason, when it comes to Romance languages, the Italian language has its own place. Every day a lot of people seek a method to learn the speak Italian and that brings us to the best way to speak Italian

What is the best way to learn Italian?

If you have any concerns about how to learn Italian, rest assured. There are plenty of learning methods any studying techniques which you can use and apply into your daily life. Even though the best method to learn Italian is subjective, we highly recommend flashcards. We believe there is no better way to start learning the Italian language than with flashcards.

Why should I learn Italian with flashcards?

  • Flashcard learning and memorizing is a very effective technique to learn Italian. Memorizing the basic Italian words with flashcards will give you the opportunity to boost your Italian language skills as slick as a whistle.
  • VocApp flashcards have an audio option for you to learn Italian. So, you will know how to pronounce Italian words just like a native speaker.
  • You will have a fun experience while learning when you see some common Italian words on flashcards.
  • Flashcards improve your learning curve and your ability to remember words that you have memorized in the Italian language.
  • Learning anything with Flashcards is possible, especially the Italian language!

If you are determined to learn Italian you must know that it is necessary to do a lot of practice. After all, just like for any other language, the constant and continuous practice is the key for the Italian language. If you practice enough every day with VocApp’s flashcards, you are going to learn Italian sooner than you expect.

Of course, this is not the only Italian course we have on our site! Try Italian in 1 day to learn more basic Italian or Everyday phrases in Italian for more useful Italian phrases!
