Unit 2 Toles

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Question Answer
to issue a cheque
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wystawić czek
eligible applicants
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uprawnieni wnioskodawcy
bank account
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rachunek bankowy
monthly statement
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miesięczny wyciąg
no charges
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bez opłat
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obciążenia pieniężne, opłaty
ATM machine/ network; cashpoint
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to withdraw cash
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wyciągać pieniądze
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to deposit
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deponować; wpłacać
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start learning
start learning
start learning
arrangement fee
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określona opłata
overdraft –
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to validate sth –
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zatwierdzić coś
bank charges –
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opłaty bankowe
demand for payment –
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żądanie płatności
credit -
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wpłata na konto
to debit –
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obciążać (konto w banku)
income –
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outgoings –
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to lend to sb –
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pożyczać komuś
to borrow from sb–
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pożyczać od kogoś
to owe (sth to sb) –
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być winnym (coś komuś)
automated payment –
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automatyczna płatnosć
subject to status –
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w zależności od statusu
to be in the red –
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być na „minusie”
to go into the red –
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zadłużyć się
to be in the black –
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być na „plusie”
within –
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w przeciągu
open the account with the bank –
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otwierać konto w banku
payment card –
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karta płatnicza
credit card –
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karta kredytowa
receipt –
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potwierdzenie transakcji, wydruk, paragon
defaulted –
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shredder –
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niszczarka, maszyna do niszczenia dokumentów
foreign currency –
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obca waluta
debit card –
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karta debetowa
to print off your balance –
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wydrukować saldo
to make bank transfers –
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robić przelewy bankowe
interest –
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to take out the loan –
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wziąć kredyt
borrower –
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lender –
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security –
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property –
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instalments –
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to pay by instalments –
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płacić w ratach
to process –
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confidential –
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to authorise –
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to disclose –
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to approve –
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zaaprobować, przyznać
notify –
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to enclose –
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to repay –
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to cancel –
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to be in arrears –
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być zadłużonym
to fall into arrears –
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wpaść w długi
nationwide –
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w całym kraju
convenient telephone banking –
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dogodny serwis bankowy przez telefon
competitive loan rates –
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konkurencyjne stopy procentowe
instant decisions on loan –
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szybkie decyzje o kredytach
commission –
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helpline –
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secure PIN number –
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bezpieczny numer PIN
easy paying-in facilities –
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łatwe możliwości wpłacania pieniędzy
interest-free –
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bez odsetek
single card for debit payments and cash withdrawals –
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osobna karta na płatności debetowe i wypłaty gotówki
fraud –
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fałszerstwo, oszustwo
to trick –
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to cancel –
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to purport –
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udawać, podszywać się
slip –
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pasek papieru
goods –
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to run up debts –
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zadłużyć się
to be on the blink –
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być zepsutym
dependant –
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maiden name –
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panieńskie nazwisko
to declare –
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void –
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Customer –
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to deem –
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uznawać, uważać
to attribute –
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password –
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user –
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online service –
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usługa/obsługa przez internet
to inform –
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to suspend –
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to comply with –
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to process –
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to render –
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powodować, sprawiać
direct debit –
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stałe zlecenie
recovery procedures –
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procedura odzyskania pieniędzy
outstanding –
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insufficient –
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to be in default –
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zalegać z płatnościami
response –
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to be charged –
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być naliczanym
to collect –
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mortgage –
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to be mugged –
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zastać napadniętym na ulicy
approximately –
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fixed-rate –
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stała stopa procentowa
account –
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account manager –
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szef /kierownik działu rachunków
to accrue –
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applicant –
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to apply for –
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ubiegać się o
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automated payment –
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automatyczna płatność
balance –
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bank account –
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rachunek bankowy
bank statement –
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wyciąg bankowy
bank transfer –
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przelew bankowy
bill –
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in the black –
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na „plusie”
to borrow –
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branch –
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business account –
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konto na firmę, rachunek biznesowy
charges –
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opłaty, zarzuty
cheque –
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chip and PIN –
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competitive –
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a credit –
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wpłata, kredyt
credit card –
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karta kredytowa
credit check –
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sprawdzenie kredytu
credit history –
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historia kredytowa
currency –
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current account –
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bieżący rachunek
debit –
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debt –
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to default –
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nie spłacać, nie wywiązywać się z czegoś
to deposit –
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to be eligible for –
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być uprawnionym do
to enclose –
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dołączać, załączać
fee –
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opłata (zawsze za profesjonalne usługi)
identity theft –
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kradzież tożsamości
interest –
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interest rate –
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stopa procentowa
interest banking –
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to issue –
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to lend –
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loan –
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loan rate –
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stopa procentowa od pożyczki
mail –
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mail, poczta
marital status –
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stan cywilny
notify –
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open an account –
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otworzyć konto
outgoings –
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wydatki, rozchody
to owe –
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być winnym
pay –
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PIN number –
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process –
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property (house) –
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własność, dom
queue –
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receipt –
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powierdzenie transakcji kartą kredytową
in the red –
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„na minusie”
repay –
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savings account –
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konto oszczędnościowe
statement –
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oświadczenie, wyciąg bankowy
subject to –
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w zależności od
sum –
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transfer –
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to validate –
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zatwierdzać, legalizować
to withdraw –
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wybierać gotówkę
balance –
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the amount of money that you have got in your bank account;
to deposit money –
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to put money into a bank account;
current account –
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bank account that you can use at any time, it’s calles a checking account in the US;
to issue a cheque –
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to give a cheque to someone and validate it by signing it;
overdraft –
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the amount of the money you can take out of the bank even though your account does not have that much money in it;
bill –
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a demand for a payment for goods or services you have received;
fee –
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a payment that you have to make to a professional person to do something for you;
to withdraw –
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to take money out of a bank account;
to transfer cash –
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to move it ellectronically from one bank account to another;
to be eligible for sth –
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to be the right kind of person to have sth, e.g. because you are the right age or you have enough money;
bank charges –
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payments that you have to make to the bank for using your bank account;
bank statement –
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a document that your bank sends to you; it tells you when you deposited money, when you withdrew money and how much you have in the account at the moment;
applicant –
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a person who wants to ask for sth like a job or a bank account;
ATM machine/ ATM network –
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the machines that give money to bank customers (Automated Telling Machines), in the UK and ATM is called a cashpoint;
automated payment –
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a payment that your bank will make every week or every month without needing your permission to do it each time;
straightforward –
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simple and easy to understand;
subject to status –
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depending on your age or how much money you have, for example;
chip and PIN –
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the system of security for using cards which contain a microchip; you have to put your card into a machine and then enter your secret Personal Identification Number (PIN)
to validate sth –
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to make sth legally acceptable;
identify theft –
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if someone has your address and your credit card or debit card details they can use your money to buy things or even to take money out of your bank account;
shredder –
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a machine that cuts documents into tiny pieces so that no one can read them;
credit card receipt –
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the piece of paper that proves that you have paid for something with your card;
someone defaults on the loan –
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they don’t pay the money back and the bank might have to go to court to try to get its money;
account number –
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it’s a personal number that identifies your bank account, no one else has the same number;
branch of the bank –
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it’s a local office or bureau of your bank;
ATM machine –
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it’s a machine that is often outside a bank, it will give you money from your current account if you put in your debit card and then enter your PIN number;
foreign currency –
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each country has its own currency, it’s the money in coins and notes that people use in this country;
debit card –
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it’s a card that allows you to withdraw cash from your current account or pay for goods or services electronically by taking money out of your current account;
overdraft –
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it’s an amount of money that you owe to the bank because you withdraw more from your current account than you have in it;
loan –
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it’s an amount of money that you borrow from the bank for an agreed period of time;
to print off your balance –
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to look at how much money you have in your bank account and receive a piece of paper showing that amount, you can do this at the bank’s ATM machines;
to make bank transfers –
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to move money electronically from one bank account into another bank account;
interest –
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it’s the amount of money that bank charges you for a loan or overdraft, we also pay interest to you on any money you save at your bank;
PIN number –
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it’s your personal identification number, this allows you to use your debit card at any ATM or to pay for things with your debit card, you must never tell anyone else this number;
arrears –
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money that someone owes to someone and they promised to pay it back by a certain date but didn’t, arrears are always a bad thing, it means you are not paying back your debt on the agreed date;
to accrue –
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to grow or accumulate, we use the word accrue to talk about accumulating interest; e.g. interest is accruing on the arrears at a rate of 15%;
to steal –
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to take sth that belongs to someone else;
to obtain –
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to get possession of sth;
goods –
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things that are made to be sold;
to be legitimate –
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to be real, genuine, lawful;
property –
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building (e.g. a house);
to cancel –
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to stop sth or to make sth void;
to check sth –
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to look at the details of sth and make sure they are correct;
bank statement –
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a document a customer receives from bank giving details of payments in and out of their account;
transaction –
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a piece of business;
to purport –
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to claim or to declare that sth is true;
receipt –
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a piece of paper that proves that I have paid for sth;
password –
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the secret word or combination of a word and number known only to a user which is used to confirm their identity and which gives access to the service;
online service –
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the system that allows customers to give instructions about their bank account using their computer;
Customer –
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the client, the person who holds the account with a bank;
user –
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any other person you may have given permission to use the service;
to open a bank account with a bank –
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otworzyć konto w banku
to cover your legal costs –
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pokrywać koszty prawne
to withdraw money form a bank account –
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wypłacać pieniądze z konta
to consolidate your debts –
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skonsolidować swoje długi
to be covered by an insurance policy –
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zostać pokrytym przez polisę ubezpieczeniową
a loan application –
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podanie o pożyczkę/kredyt
a range of services –
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wachlarz usług
to make an application for sth –
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złożyć podanie o coś
to hold an account with a bank –
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mieć konto w banku
to render sth invalid –
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spowodować nieważność czegoś
to take steps to do sth –
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podjąć kroki
loan rate(s) –
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oprocentowanie kredytu
to open an account with a bank –
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otworzyć konto w banku;
to be eligible for something –
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być uprawnionym do czegoś;
to make a withdrawal from a bank account –
start learning
wypłacić pieniądze z konta bankowego;
to be covered by an insurance policy –
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zostać pokrytym przez polisę ubezpieczeniową;
to make a telephone call from a certain number or place –
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dzwonić z pewnego numeru lub miejsca;
to have a decision within a certain period –
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otrzymać decyzję w przeciągu jakiegoś okresu;
to go into the red –
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być na „minusie”;
a combination of two or more things –
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kombinacja dwóch lub więcej rzeczy;
information that is known to a person –
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informacja znana osobie;
to be registered as a particular company name –
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być zarejestrowanym pod konkretną nazwą firmy;
to behave in accordance with sth –
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zachowywać się zgodnie/w zgodzie z czymś;
to be authorised by someone to do sth –
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być uprawnionym przez kogoś do zrobienia czegoś;
to be liable for sth –
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być odpowiedzialnym za;
under the circumstances –
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w danych okolicznościach
to attribute sth to someone –
start learning
przypisywać coś komuś
interest accrues on a debt or loan –
start learning
odestki na długi lub na pożyczkę

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