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Pozwól, że chwilkę pomyślę
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Well, let me think for a moment
Nie jestem pewna
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I'm not quite sure
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Well, I guess
Naprawdę lubię
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I really like/am fond of/am keen on
Nie przeszkadza mi
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I don't mind
Nie znoszę
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I can't stand
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I'm going to
Możliwe, że
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Parhaps I will
Zastanawiam się nad
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I'm thinking of
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I would like to
Czy mozesz powtórzyć?
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Could you say that again please?
Co powiesz na
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How about
Może pójdźmy
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Why don't we
Dobrym pomysłem byłoby
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It might be a good idea to
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Z jednaj strony
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On the one hand
Z drugiej strony
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On the other hand
Plusem... jest
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One good point about... is
Główną zaletą może być
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A major advantage would be
Złym aspektem... jest
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The bad thing abut... is
W środku
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In the middle
Pierwszy plan
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Drugi plan
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Ludzie są najprawdopodobniej
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The people are probably
Wydaje mi się
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It seems to me that
Moim zdaniem
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In my opinion/To my mind
Osobiście uważam
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Personally, I think/believe
Powodem jest
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The reason is
Innym powodem jest
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Another reason is
Również ważne jest że
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It is also improtant that
Trudno stwierdzić
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It's difficult to say really
Wolałabym... bo
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I'd prefer because
Na pewno nie wybrałabym... bo
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I'd definitely not go for... because

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