Tomek 1st Feb 2017 #15

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Co słychać?
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How is it going? / How have you been? / What's new?
Zamierzam ci pomóc.
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I'm going to help you. / I'm gonna help you.
trzęsienie ziemi
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Three earthquakes triggered an avalanche in the north of Italy.
spust (w pistolecie)
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włącz światło
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turn on the light / switch on the light / put ON the light
zapisnać kurtkę
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to do your jacket up
zawiązywać sznurówki
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to do up your shoelaces
położyć się
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to lie down
to lie - lay - lain
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to lie - lied - lied
tłustym drukiem
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in bold
rzucić palenie
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to give up smoking / to quit smoking
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to carry on
zachowaj spokój
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keep calm
calm /ka:m/
uspokój się
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CALM down
nakrzyczeć na kogoś / zganić kogoś
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to tell sb off
I told the boys off for making so much noise.
to speak angrily to somebody for doing something wrong
znosić coś / kogoś
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to put up with sth / sb (tolerate)
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to leave sth out / to omit
brać udział
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to join in / to participate / to take part
NEVER: to take A part
ciągle to przekładam.
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I keep putting it off.
przekładać coś na później
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to postpone / to put sth off
Can we please put our lesson off until next week. / postpone our lesson until next week.
odkładać coś na później (z lenistwa)
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to procrastinate
do / dopóki / na np. przyszły tydzień
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till BUT until
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to saw - sawed - sawn
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to put on weight/5 kilos
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to lose weight/ 5 kilos
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zgasić ogień / pożar
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to put sth (fire) out
przenocować kogoś
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to put sb UP

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