Questions Pr Simple 2

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Czy Ty myślisz, że to kosztuje za dużo?
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Do you think that it costs too much? Do you think it costs too much?
Kto nie płaci za to?
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Who doesn't pay for it?
Czy ona kroi to w kawałki?
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Does she cut it into pieces?
Dlaczego nie robisz tego?
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Why don't you do it?
Dlaczego on robi to tak często?
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Why does he do it so often?
Kto ich zna?
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Who knows them?
Kto mnie nie zna?
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Who doesn't know me?
Kto jeździ do Polski kazdego miesisca?
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Who goes to Poland every month?
Kto go nie zna?
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Who doesn't know him?
Czy Ty go nie znasz?
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Don't you know him?
Kto zna Ciebie?
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Who knows you?
Czy oni nie pracują?
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Don't they work?
Kto zaczyna to co tydzień?
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Who begins it every week?
Kto nie mówi po angielsku?
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Who doesn't speak English?
Kto nie płaci wam?
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Who doesn't pay you?
Komu nie płacisz?
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Who don't you pay?
Kto ci to kupuje?
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Who buys it?
Ona kupuje to, ale nie ja
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She buys it, but I don't
Komu płacisz?
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Who do you pay?
Kto płaci Tobie?
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Who pays you?
Za co płacisz?
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What do you pay for?
Za kogo płacisz?
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Who do you pay for?
Kto za ciebie płaci?
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Who pays for you?
Wiesz o co zapytać?
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Do you know what to ask about?
Wiesz co odpowiedzieć?
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Do you know what to answer?
Wiesz co powiedzieć?
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Do you know what to say?
Wiesz co ja mówię?
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Do you know what I'm saying?
Na co zwracasz uwagę?
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What do you pay attention to?
Na co on zwraca uwagę?
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What does he pay attention to?
Ile ważysz?
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How much do you weigh?
Dlaczego nie wiesz co napisać?
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Why don't you know what to write?
Dlaczego oni nie wiedzą komu zapłacić?
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Why don't they know who to pay?
Kogo ona nie zna?
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Who doesn't she know?
O czym on zawsze mówi?
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What does he always talk about?
O kim zawsze mówisz?
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Who do you always talk about?
Kto zwraca uwagę na niego?
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Who pays attention to him?
Kto ma szacunek dla niej?
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Who has respect for her?
Kto utrzymuje z tobą kontakt?
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Who is in touch with you?
Kto jest zły na ciebie?
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Who is angry with you?
Kto jest rozczarowany tobą?
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Who is disappointed with you?
Kto jest pod jego wrażeniem?
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Who is impressed with her?
Kto interesuje się aktorami?
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Who has an interested in actors?

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