Present Simple

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I often go to the cinema
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Często chodzę do kina
You never go to the cinema
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Ty nigdy nie chodzisz do kina
She sometimes GOES to the cinema
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Ona czasami chodzi do kina
He usually GOES to the cinema
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On zazwyczaj chodzi do kina
It always SLEEPS under the bed
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Ono (zwierzątko) zawsze śpi pod łóżkiem
I don't like bananas.
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Nie lubię bananów
You don't go to the cinema every Saturday
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Ty nie chodzisz do kina w każdą sobotę
She doesn't like apples
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Ona nie lubi jabłek
He doesn't go to the cinema every day
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On nie chodzi do kina każdego dnia
Do I like milk
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Czy ja lubię mleko?
Do you like tomatoes?
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Czy Lubisz pomidory?
Does she like chips?
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Czy Ona lubi frytki?
Does he go to the cinema on Sundays?
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Czy on chodzi do kina w niedziele?

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