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jesteś chory
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you are sick
jesteś chory?
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are you sick?
byleś chory
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you were sick
byleś chory?
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were you sick?
nie jestes chory
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you are not sick
nie byles chory
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you were not sick
czy byles wczoraj na spacerze?
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Did you go for a walk yesterday?
nie byles wczoraj na spacerze
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You didn't go for a walk yesterday.
czy pracujesz w uk
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Do you work in the UK?
pracowales w uk
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You worked in the UK
cy ona spi 8 godzin dziennie
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Does she sleep 8 hours every day?
ona nie spi 8 godzin dziennie
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She doesn't sleep 8 hours every day
ona nie spala 8 godzin
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She didn't sleep 8 hours.
uczysz sie teraz
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You are learning now
uczysz sie teraz?
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Are you learning now?
zamierzam sie uczyc angielskiego
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I am going to learn English.
zamierzasz się uczyc angielskiego?
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Are you going to learn English?
pracowales wczoraj?
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Did you work yesterday?
zamierzasz jutro pracowac?
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Are you going to work tomorrow?
zadzwonie do ciebie
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I will call you
zadzwonisz do mnie,
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Will you call me?
widzisz te kobiete ktora pracuje ze mna?
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Can you see this woman working with me?
widzisz tego męzczyzne jedzacego rybe?
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Can you see the man eating fish?
kiedy zlapalas grype?
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When did you catch the flu?
co przynioslas?
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What did you bring?
kiedy kupilas te torebke?
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Where did you buy this bag?
nie zapomnij sniadania?
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Don't forget your breakfast!
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wlasnie zjadlam
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i have just eaten

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