Paweł 27th March 2017

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Dowiedziałem się.
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I FOUND out yesterday.
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powieś to niżej
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hang it lower
trzy dni z rzędu
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three days in a row
To jest twój rząd.
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It's your ROW.
ci ludzie
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THESE people
ci ludzie
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these people
Nie lubię tych ludzi
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I don't like these people.
To powinno być tańsze.
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It should be cheaper.
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dom starców
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nursing home
wrzucić coś gdzieś
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to pop sth into sth
On dał jej te kwiaty osobiście.
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He gave her these flower in person.
bukiet kwiatów
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a bunch of fowers
a stunning bunch of flower
On wpadł z bukietem kwiatów.
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He POPPED IN with a bunch of flowers.
wpaść do kogoś z wizytą
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to pop in / to call ON sb
wpadnij do mnie
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call ON me
wolna chwila
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a free moment
On nie podał mi ręki.
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HE didn't shake MY hand.
Nasza lekcja trwa 60 min.
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Our lesson LASTS 60 minutes.
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nursery (school)
Mówi się, że...
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It is said that...
Tu jest napisane...
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It says...
Co tu jest napisane?
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What does it SAY?
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He's a very handsome and charming man.
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woman /WUmn/
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women / wimin/
Dowiedziałem się tego wczoraj.
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I found IT out yesterday.

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