Ola 19th Dec 2014

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Wczoraj zrobiłam piękną pocztówkę.
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Yesterday I made a bautiful postcard.
Wczoraj nie zrobiłam pięknej pocztówki.
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Yesterday I didn't make a bautiful postcard.
Czy zrobiłaś piękną pocztówkę wczoraj? Did you make a bautiful postcard yesterday?
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You did a beautiful card yesterday? Did you make a bautiful postcard yesterday?
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MAKE - made - made
Moja przyjaciółka napisała list do Świętego Mikołaja.
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My friend wrote a letter to Santa Claus.
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write - wrote- written
Moja przyjaciółka nie napisała listu do Świętego Mikołaja.
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My friend did't write a letter to Santa Claus.
Czy twoja przyjaciółka napisała list do Świętego Mikołaja.
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Your friend wrote a letter to Santa Claus.
Moi rodzice poszli do kościoła w niedzielę.
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My parents went to church on Sunday.
Moi rodzicie nie poszli do kościoła.
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My parents didn't go to church.
Czy twoi rodzice poszli do kościoła?
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Did your parents go to church?
Moja ciocia sprzedała trzy książki.
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My aunt sold three books.
Moja ciocia nie sprzedała trzech książek.
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My aunt didn't sell three books.
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to sell - sold - sold
Co robiłaś wczoraj?
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What did you do yesterday?
Co zjadłaś na śniadanie?
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What did you eat/have FOR breakfast?
na śniadanie
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FOR breakfast
na obiad
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for dinner
Czy wypiłaś herbatę rano?
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Did you drink tea in the morning?
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to have - had - had
Wczoraj miałam sześć lekcji.
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Yesterday I had six lessons.
dwa dni temu
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two days ago
po szkole
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after school
O której poszłaś spać? What time did you go to sleep?
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What time did you go to sleep? What time did you go to sleep?
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in the evening
z rana
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in the morning
Co robiłaś wczoraj wieczorem?
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What did you do yesterday in the evening?
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wash - washED - washED
robić coś
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do - did - done
Dwa dni temu nie odrobiłam lekcji.
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Two days I didn't do homework.
Czy odrobiłaś lekcje?
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Did you do homework?
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I was sleeping.
my oglądaliśmy telewizję
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we were watching TV
czy ty czytałeś?
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Were you reading?
czy ona spała?
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Was she sleeping?
jeszcze nie
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not yet

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