Nov 2015

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tablica mendelejewa
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the Periodic Table
a list of elements (=simple chemical substances) arranged according to their atomic structure
budowa atomu
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atomic structure
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herpes (U)
fever blister AmE
sore cold (C)
odkąd byłam dzieckiem
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ever since I was little
wydzielać się / ropieć
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to ooze
ooze from/out of/through something (Blood oozed out of the wound)
if a thick liquid oozes from a place, or if something oozes a thick liquid, the liquid flows from the place slowly
szczypanie (przy kiełkującej opryszczce)
ciarki / mrowienie
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a burning sensation / a tingly sensation
As she warmed her hands by the fire, she felt a tingle in her fingers. / The cold air made her face tingle.
tingle (usually singular)
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a DAB of sth
nakładać / dotykać
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to dab
She dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.
She dabbed some cream on her face.
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an amino acid that helps block the virus from cloning itself
płukać np. buzię / o płynie, który przelewa się lub przepływa
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to swish around
All that water I drank is swishing around in my stomach. I can hear the water swishing around in the pipes./ swish it around in your mouth
pod ręką
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TO hand
ON hand (close by and ready when needed; Our staff are always on hand to help.)
something that is to hand is close to you, so that you can reach it easily
z umiarem
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in moderation
co drugi dzień
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every other day
co drugi tydzień
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every other week
co drugi dzień
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on alternate days
John has to work on alternate Sundays.
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skóra podatna na trądzik
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acne-prone skin
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to stir sth up
to make small pieces of something move around in the air or in water
milczenie jest złotem
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silence is golden
speech is silver
czy ten film wszedł już do kin?
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is it out yet?
nowy stary typ mężczyzny
drewno (używane w budownictwie)
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lumber / timber
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zrób przedziałek na środku
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part your hair in the middle
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hair straightener
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socket/ BrE: power point
sieć elektroenergetyczna
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the mains [uncountable, plural] (British English)
The house is not yet connected to the mains.
zapisać się na coś
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to enrol FOR / ON BrE; to enroll IN sth AmE
przenieść coś na inny poziom
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to take sth to the next level
substancja odżywcza, składnik pokarmowy
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cenne substancje chemiczne należące do grupy polifenoli. Katechiny są jednym z najmocniejszych przeciwutleniaczy, które pozwalają nam cieszyć się młodością i dobrym zdrowiem przez długie lata.
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posypać coś czymś
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sprinkle something with something
to drizzle sth OVER sth (Drizzle the soy sauce over the chicken.)
bez dwóch zdań
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hands down
właściwości przeciwzapalne
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anti-inflammatory properties
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to up
a small dose of dried ginger eaten in the morning upped fat burning by 13.5 percent for two hours.
They've upped their offer by 5%.
mieć mniej w pasie
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to have smaller waist measurements
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avocados are loaded with fiber, potassium, magnesium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
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