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byc specjalnie dostosowanym do
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be tailored to
w pelni wykorzytac
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make the vert most of
bogaty zakres (uslug)
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comprehensive package
ksiazeczka czekowa
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wyciag z konta
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regular statement
zlecenia platnicze
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standing ordera
samodzielny przedsiebiorca
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sole trader
prowadzic male przedsiebiorstwo/bedace spolka cywilna)
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running a small partnership
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rachunek posiada saldo dodatnie
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your account stays in credit
przekroczyc stan konta
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go overdrawn
uiszczac oplaty
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to pay the usual charges
ubiegac sie o pozyczke na rozpoczecie dzialalnosci gospodarczej
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apply for natwest’s business start-up loan
preferencyjna stopa oprocentowania
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preferential interest rate
stale oprocentowanie
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fixes rate
na poczatku
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at the outset
okres splaty dlugu
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term of the loan
wynegocjowac karencje na splate dlugu
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arrange a capital repayment holiday
splacac jedynie odsetki od zaciagnietej pozyczki
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pay only interest on your loan
suma zalegla
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the outstanding amount
zaleglosci w splacie
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less areas
finansowac biezace wydatki
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finance day-to-day expenditures
stopa oprocentowania zwiazana jest ze stopa podstawowa
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interest rate is linked to base rate
od tej uslugi nie placi sie odsetek
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no interest charge
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opt for
obejmowac caly zakres przypadkow
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cover a range of eventualities
sa wymagane przez prawo
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are legally required
ubiezpieczyc sie od / na wypadek
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insure against
tani/warty swej ceny
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value for money
rabat za bezwypadkowosc
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no claima discount
wykupic czyjes udzialy w firmie
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to buy their business interest
zabezpieczyc sie na
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to make provision for
cenne ulgi podatkowe
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valuable tax advantages
system emerytalny
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pension scheme
skladki na fundusz emerytalny pociagaja za soba ulgi w podatku dochodowym
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pension contributions attract income tax relief
podatek dochodowy i podatek od przyrosty kapitalu
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Income and capital gains taxes
podac ceny
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provide quotations
bez zobowiazan z twojej strony
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without obligation on your side
wydawac (pieniadze) do wysokosci salda
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spend up to the value of cleared funds
uprzednio wymegocjowany debet
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pre-arranged overdraft
kasa banku natwest
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natwest sercivetill
w godzinach pracy banku
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during bank opening hours
za darmo
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free of charge
wydatki poniesione przez
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expenses incurred by
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nieoprocentowany kredyt
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interest-free credit
rabaty na kluczowe uslugi swiadczone firmom
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discounts on key business services
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kontrolowac na biezaco wydatki
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keep track on expenses
karty wydawane sa odpowiednio do statusu i warunkow
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Cards are issued subject to status and conditions

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