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bać się burzy
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be afraid of thunderstorms
badać kosmos
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explore space
być zielonym
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be green
chłodny dzień
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chilly day
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pine tree
chronić zagrożone gatunki
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protect endangered species
ciepły słoneczny dzień
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a warm sunny day
dzikie zwierzę
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wild animal
głaskać kota
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stroke a cat
grad i wichura
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hail and gale
huragan i zamieć
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hurricane and blizzard
iść na piaszczystą plażę
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go to a sandy beach
jesienny dzień
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autumn day
jest mgliście i mokro
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it’s foggy and wet
kałuże i zaspy
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puddles and drifts
katastrofa naturalna
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natural disaster
kosić trawę
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mow the grass
kupowac ekologiczne jedzenie
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buy organic food
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litter box
marnować wodę
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waste water
na wybrzezu
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on the coast
niszczyć naturalne siedlisko
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destroy natural habitat
odpady przemysłowe
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industrial waste
odzyskiwać plastikowe butelki
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recycle plastic bottles
podziwiać zachód/wchód
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admire the sunset/sunrise
powódź i susza
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flood and drought
przyjazny środowisku
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rezerwaty przyrody
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national reservations
schronisko dla zwierząt
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animal shelter
segregować śmieci
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segregate rubbish
siedzieć na gałęzi
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sit on a branch
sklep zoologiczny
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pet shop
stawy i jeziora
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ponds and lakes
strumienie i rzeki
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streams and rivers
szkodliwe substancje
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harmful substances
śliskie drogi
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slippery roads
temperatura spada
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temperature drops
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trzymać psa na smyczy
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keep the dog on the lead
wysypisko śmieci
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rubbish dump
zagrożone wyginięciem
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in danger of extinction
zanieczyszczać pow i ziemię
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pollute the air and the soil
zapobiegać ociepleniu
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prevent global warming
zbierać kwiaty/grzyby
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pick up
zwierzę domowe
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domestic animal
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buda dla psa
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liście i korzenie
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leaves and roots
kaczka i gęś
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duck and goose
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mewy i wieloryby
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gulls and whales
dziób i pióra
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beak and feathers
łuski i płetwy
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scales and fins
ogon i łapy
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tail and paws
sierść i skóra
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fur and skin
pazury i kły
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claws and fangs

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