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Oczekuje na kontakt z Twojej strony.
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I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Bylbym wdzieczny za
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I would apperaciate a quick reply
Bede bardzo wdzieczny jesli przeslesz mi wiecej szczegolwych informacji na ten temat.
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I would apperaciate it if you could send me more detailed information about
Jestem bardzo zaineresowany i chcialbym zadac dodatkowe pytania.
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I am very interested and I would like to ask for some further questions.
pisze w odniesieniu do Twojego ogloszenia ktore...
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I am writing with regard to your advertisement...
Czekam na odpowiedz na najblizszym mozliwym czasie.
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I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
Mimo faktu ze jestem calkiem dobra w gramatyce i use of english, musze poprawic frajzale.
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Despite the fact I am quite good at grammar and use of English,
Musze nadmienic, ze mam problemy...
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I must admit I have difficulties in...
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przesyłka in English
chcialbym rowniez
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uwazam ze wszystkie te dzialania sa warte poswiecenia czasu poniewaz pomagaja rozwijac umiejetnsoci intelektualne
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I consider all these ACTIVITIES are worthwhile since they make you develop your intellectual skills.

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