Lessons 9&10 - 17.11.2017

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What does she do everyday?
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Co ona robi codziennie?
What do you do at the weekends?
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Co robisz w weekendy?
What does he do usually after school?
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Co on robi zwykle po szkole?
What are we doing at the moment?
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Co teraz robimy?
We're leaving tomorrow.
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Wyjeżdżamy jutro.
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shopping mall
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centrum handlowe
Are you doing anything later?
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Czy robisz coś później?
What does he do for a living?
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Z czego on się utrzymuje?
Do you want to come?
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Chcesz przyjść?
Is he your classmate?
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Czy on jest twoim kolegą z klasy?
I can't swim very well.
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Nie umiem dobrze pływać.
How old is their mum?
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Ile lat ma ich mama?
What can your dog do?
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Co umie zrobić twój/wasz pies?
These are our friends.
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To są nasi przyjaciele.
That's not theirs.
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To nie jest ich.
The girls' bikes are blue.
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Rowery dziewcząt są niebieskie.
Kate is at Julia's.
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Kate jest u Julii.
This schoolbag isn't mine.
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Ta tornistra nie jest moja.
Look at us.
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Patrz na nas.
I like him very much.
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Bardzo go lubię.
Play with me.
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Pobaw się ze mną.

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