Kamile 31st Oct 2016 #9

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Co słychać?
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How are you doing? / How are you? / How have you been? / How is it going?
Co ty robisz teraz?
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What are you doing?
Co ty robisz codziennie rano?
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What do you do every morning?
Co ty robisz teraz?
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What ARE you DOING now?
Co ona robi teraz?
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What IS she DOING now?
Straciłam połączenie.
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I lost the connection.
stracić / zgubić
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to lose - lost - lost
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key /ki:/
Co oni teraz robią?
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What ARE they DOING now?
Gdzie ty teraz czytasz książkę?
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Where are you reading a book now?
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Czy lubisz orzechy?
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Do you like nuts?
Czy ona lubi jabłka?
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Does she like apples?
Gdzie ty mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Gdzie ona pracuje?
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Where does she work?
Czy przeczytałaś tę książkę wczoraj?
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Did you read this book yesteday?
Czy ona obejrzała ten film w piątek?
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Did she watch this film on Friday?
Kiedy przeczytałaś tę książkę?
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When did you read this book?
Ja nie mówię po niemiecku.
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I don't speak German.
Ona nie obejrzała tego filmu w miniony weekend.
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She didn't watch this film last weekend.
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cemetery / graveyard
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Zapalamy świeczki.
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We light candles.
zapalać np. świeczkę
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to light - lit - lit
Wczoraj zapaliłam dziesięć świeczek na cmentrarzu.
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Yesterday I lit ten candles AT the cemetery.
modlić się
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to pray
Modlimy się za zmarłych.
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We pray for the dead.
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to die - died - died
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grandma / granny
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Moja babcia zmarła w zeszłym roku.
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My granny died last year. / My granny PASSED (away) last year.
Spotkałam się z moimi przyjaciółmi.
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I met my classmates. / I met my friends.
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to finish
hebrata owocowa
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fruit tea / veggies
jak zawsze
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as always
Czym ty się zajmujesz?
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What do you do?
I'm a teacher.
być na czas
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to be on time

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