justina 28th October

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nie jestem pewna
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I'm not sure
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to get back, to come back
Co widzisz na zdjęciu?
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What can you see IN the picture?
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to jump, to leap
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to walk
jedna osoba
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one person
zwracać uwagę na coś
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to pay attention TO sth
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pay, paid, paid
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Jestem w dobrym nastroju.
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I'm in a good mood.
skakać z radości
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to jump FOR joy
To łatwy sposób, żeby odpowiedzieć.
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It's an easy way to answer.
nic nie przychodzi mi do głowy
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nothing comes to my mind
dostać podwyżkę
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to get a rise, to get a raise
Wczoraj czytałam książkę.
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Yesterday I was reading a book.
Wczoraj przeczytałam książkę.
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Yesterday I read a book.
upiec ciasto
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to bake a cake
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Wolę lody od czekolady.
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I prefer ice-cream TO chocolate.
zabronione jest robienie czegoś
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it's forbidden to do sth
nawet w czasie zimy
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even in winter
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to take exercise
Ona nie ćwiczy.
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She doesn't take exercise.
Ona nie pisze dużo listów.
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She doesn't write many letters.
kilku moich przyjaciół
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a few of my friends
trochę cukru
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a little sugar
Mam tylko kilku przyjaciół.
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I have few friends; I have only few friends.
Powinnaś ćwiczyć kilka razy w tygodniu.
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You should exercise a few times a week.
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