JQ 21.06.2016

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fault, failure, defect
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spare parts
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części zamienne
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invoice in English
to issue an invoice
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wystawić fakturę
rise, increase
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price increase
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podwyżka cen
official letter
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oficjalne pismo
the order has been released
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zamówienie zostało uruchomione
I’m sorry for that.
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Przepraszam za to.
Im sorry about that.
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Przykro mi z tego powodu.
I hope this situation won’t be repeated in the future.
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Mam nadzieję że ta sytuacja się nie powtórzy w przyszłości.
I was given a pay rise.
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Dano mi podwyżkę.
I was sent this email.
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Przysłano mi tego maila.
I was advised
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Poinformowano mnie
I was told about it yesterday.
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Powiedziano mi o tym wczoraj.

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