Iwka 8th May 2016 (45 min)

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Question Answer
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tak jak powiedziałam
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as I said / like I said
tak jak ci powiedziałam
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as I told you
ile miejsca?
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how much free space?
wzdłuż rzeki
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along the river
Być może pójdziemy do kina jutro wieczorem.
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We might go to the cinema tomorrow evening.
wynieść, wynosić na wyższe stanowisko, podnieść, podnosić rangę
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to elevate
It was an attempt to elevate football to a subject worthy of serious study.
Language has elevated humans above the other animals.
na podstawie czegoś
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on the basis of...
te słowa
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these words
pamięć wzrokowa
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visual memory
po kolei (np. po jednym pytaniu na raz, każde pytanie po kolei)
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AT a time
We had to go and see the principal one at a time.
czwarty podcast
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the fourth podcasts
jakiś czas temu
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some time ago
w pociągu
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on the train
Na co masz ochotę?
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What do you fancy? / What would you like?
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pence /pens/
Księga Rekordów Guinnessa
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The Guinness Book of Records
to get into the book (have their names mentioned in the book)
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ważyć in English
to weigh
nosić coś np. w koszyku
start learning
to carry sth
start learning
start learning

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