Iwka 21st Sept 2016 (50 min)

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Muszę zrobić kilka testów.
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I have to run some tests
Dostałam skierowanie do specjalisty.
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I got a referral to a consultant.
wczoraj wieczorem
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yesterday evening
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Czy poszłaś tam sama?
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Did you go there on your own?
Ona ma setki książek po niemiecku.
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She has hundreds OF books in German.
mnóstwo pomysłów
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zillions of ideas / tonnes of ideas
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400 książek
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400 books
NEVER: +of
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a graduate
Kiedy skończyłaś studia?
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When did you GRADUATE?
Czy mogłabyś zamknąć drzwi?
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Would you mind closing the door?
Czy mogę zamknąć drzwi?
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Would you mind me closing the door?
not at all, go ahead
Czy jesteś mężatką, jeśli mogę spytać?
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Are you married, if you don't mind me asking?
Are you married, if you don't mind MY asking? (formal)
Wolałabym nie.
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I'd rather not.
Jestem spłukana.
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I'm broke.
istotny element
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a crucial element
dwie rady
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two pieces of advice
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to criticise
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to control
robić komuś wykład / pouczać kogoś
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to lecture sb

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