Human body - teeth

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ząb mądrości
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wisdom tooth
ząb mleczny
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milk tooth
ząb trzonowy
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zęby stałe
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permanent teeth
szyjka zęba
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neck of a tooth
przednie zęby
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front teeth
sztuczne zęby
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false teeth
białe zęby
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white teeth
wyrwać ząb; usunąć ząb
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to extract/to pull out a tooth
zdrowy ząb
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sound tooth
bolący ząb
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aching tooth
wybić ząb
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to knock out a tooth
Ząb mi się rusza.
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One of my teeth is loose.
Oko za oko, ząb za ząb.
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An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
zagryźć zęby
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to clench one's teeth
czyścić zęby
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to clean/to brush one's teeth
zgrzytać zębami
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to grit one's teeth

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