Future Simple

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Czy pojedziesz na lotnisko w czwartek?
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Will you go to the airport on Thursday?
Chcę iść do kina
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I want to go to the cinema
Nie pójdę do kina
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I won't go to the cinema
Zorganizujemy wycieczkę
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We will organize a trip
Pójdziemy razem na spacer
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We will go for a walk together
Co będziesz dzisiaj robił?
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What will you do today?
Jutro zjem bardzo skomplikowane śniadanie
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Tomorrow I eat very complicated breakfast
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Jutro moje mieszkanie będzie czyste
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Tomorrow, my apartment will be clean
Serek wiejski z bananem to moje ostatnie odkrycie:)
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Cottage cheese with banana is my last discovery:)
to smakuje jak...
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It tastes like...
Czy on zamówi pizzę na obiad?
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Will he order a pizza for dinner?
Będziesz jutro w domu?
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Will you be at home tomorrow?
Zadzwoń do mnie jutro
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Call me tomorrow
Prawdopodobnie pojedziemy do restauracji
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Probably we will go to the restaurant
Jeśli pogoda będzie ładna, pójdziemy do lasu
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If the weather is goos, we will go to the forest
Jeśli pogoda będzie zła, pojedziemy do centrum handlowego
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If the weather is bad, we will go to the shopping centre
To zależy od pogody
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It depends on the weather
Plan działa / nie działa
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The plan works / plan doesn't work
układać w kolejności/ porządkować
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put in the order / organize
kojarzyć/ łączyć z
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associate with
Możesz wypić tyle ile chcesz
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You can drink as much as you want
On może spać tak długo jak chce
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He can sleep as long as he wants
jak to możliwe?
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how is this possible?
teściowa / teść
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mother in law / father in law
synowa / zięć
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daughter in law / son in law
bratowa / szwagier
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sister-in-law / brother-in-law
Ona musi unikać pszenicy
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She has to avoid wheat./ She must avoid eating wheat
Według nowych badań
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According to new research

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