fatma 1.1

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lo has visto en algún sitio?
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have you seen it somewhere?
por lo visto
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por lo visto también fue usted
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apparently it was you too
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pues conteste, Quien los asesino?
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Well, answer, who killed them?
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qué susto me has dado
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what a fright you've given me
la he oído llegar
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I heard her arrive
has visto eso?
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have you seen that?
le ha traído regalos
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has brought you gifts
los tendré que devolver
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I will have to return them
no la veo, tu me oyes?
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I don't see it, do you hear me?
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se lo contaré cuando vuelva
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I will tell you when I come back
habría venido si quisiera
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I would have come if I wanted
ponla en la ventana
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put it on the window
la jeta
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the face
le hemos visto la jeta más que suficiente
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we have seen his face more than enough
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embarrass us
quieres avergonzarnos?
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do you want to embarrass us?
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distribute / to deliver
vas a repartir su fota?
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are you going to distribute your photo?
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