Dorota 12th May 2016

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Byłaś w drodze do Anglii.
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You were on your way to England.
Jestem w drodze do domu.
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I'm on my way home.
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krople deszczu
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zapiąć pas bezpieczeństwa
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buckle up / fasten your seat belt
pas bezpieczseństwa
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a seat belt
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to sit
to sit - sat - sat
usiądź proszę
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take a seat, please / sit down, please
Witamy na pokładzie (samolotu)
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jechać za granicę
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to go abroad
piwo z beczki
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draft beer
autobus piętrowy
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double decker
w autobusie
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on the bus
w pociągu
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on the train
w samolocie
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on the plane
w samochodzie
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IN a car / IN the car
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remote control
przekonać kogoś to zrobienia czegoś
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to convince sb to sth
I convinced my husband to go to Lithuania.
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Przepraszam, że nie tak długo nie pisałam.
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I'm sorry I haven't written for a long time.
muzyka na żywo
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live music
bogaty w coś
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to be rich IN sth
Oranges are rich in vitamin C.
Palenie jest dla ciebie złe.
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Smoking is bad for you.
być w dobrej formie
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to be in good shape
Ona zawsze miała ładną figurę.
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She's always had a good figure.
Chcę ci pomóc to zrobić.
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I want to help you (to) do it.
Mam nadzieję, że zdasz ten egzamin.
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I hope you pass this exam.
Mam nadzieję, że nie stracisz swoich pieniędzy.
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I hope you don't lose your money.
Chcę wiedzieć ile masz lat.
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I want to know how old you are.
Pozdrowienia (na końcu maila)
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Regards, / Kind regards,

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