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Na sprzedaż / do wynajęcia
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For sale / For rent
Mieszkanie jest niedaleko / naprzeciwko / obok / w
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The flat is near /opposite / next to / in
Pokoj do wynajecia
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room to let
Znalazlem / zgubiłem srebrny zegarek CASIO w parku
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I found / lost a silver CASIO watch in the park
10 $ nagrody
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$10 reward
rzadko uzywane
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rarely used
zrobione z skory
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made of leather
niebieska okladka
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blue cover
krótkie rekawy
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short sleeves
To byla moja pamiatka rodzinna / jedyna kurtka
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It is a family souvenir/my only jacket
To było coś co dostałem na urodziny
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It was something I got as a birthday present.
Nie moge bez tego żyć
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I cant live without it
prosze, pomoż mi to znaleść
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Please help me find it
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Mamy zaszczyt poinformowac o ... zawodach / spotkaniu
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We are pleased to announce a competition, contest, tournament / a meeting
Musisz miec 18 lat / troche doswiadczenia
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You must be eighteen years old / have some experience of
Zeby wziasc udział potrzebujesz wiedziec cos o
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To take part, you need to know something about
Przyjdz. nie boj sie, to nie jest trudne.
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Come on, dont be afraid, its not difficult
przyjdz i powiedz co sadzisz
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come and tell us what you think
Cena zawiera
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The prize include
Zwyciezca otrzyma medal
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The winner will receive a medal
Zeby sie zapisac skontaktuj sie z
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To sign up, contact
Jesli jestes zainteresowany dolaczeniem do nas zadzwon
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If you are interested in joining us, call on
Jesli chcesz wziasc udzial w tych zawodach skontaktuj sie z
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IF you would like to take part in this tournament contact

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