Ania 17th Jan 2017 #4

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Nie lubię jagnięciny.
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I'm not into lamb.
Poszliśmy na imorezę.
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We went TO the party.
trzy raport
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three reports
pięć dolarów
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fives dollarS
Jestem pewna, że oni ukradli 5 000 dolarów.
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They must have stolen 5 000 dollars.
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Zgadzam się.
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I agree WITH you.
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Jaką mamy dzisiaj datę?
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What date is today?
Ona nic nie powiedziała.
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She said nothing,
Ona nic nie zrobiła.
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She dd nothing.
On nic nie zjadł.
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He ate nothing.
Obejrzałam ciekawy film.
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I watched AN interesting film.
Film był po włosku.
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The film was in Italian.
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Rozmawiali o życiu.
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They spoke about life.
tzy pary
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three couples
wydaje się
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it seems (that)
it seems to be very cold today
Sprawdzę to słowo w słowniku.
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I'll check this word in the dictionary.
Oni próbują zagrać w grę.
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They are trying TO play a game.
rozmowa telefoniczna
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a phone call
lubić coś
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to be into sth / to be fond OF sth / to be keen ON sth
Are you fond of chocolate? / Are you keen on chocolate? / Are you into chocolate?
Czy jesteś na imprezie?
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Are you AT the party?
On musiał zrobić wszystko w piątek.
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I'm sure he did everything on Friday. / He must have done everything on Friday.
On musiał zrobić wszystko w piątek. (ktoś mu kazał)
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He had to do everything on Friday.
do tej pory
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How many episodes have you watched/seen SO FAR?
Ile zarobiłeś do tej pory?
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How much have you earned so far?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Ile zapłaciłaś za ten samochód?
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How much DID you pay for this car?
Zapłaciliśmy za nasz nowy dom 2 miliony dolarów.
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We paid for our new house 2 million dollars.
Ona przeczytała 10 książek do tej pory.
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She has read ten books so far.
tobić notatki
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to take notes
wydawać pieniądze
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to spend money
Ile wydałaś na tę sukienkę?
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How much did you spenD ON this dress?
Ona zadzwoniła do mnie, żeby zadać trzy pytania.
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She called me in order to / TO ask three questions.
Przeczytaj przynajmniej dwie strony.
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Read at least two pages.
Ona nas okłamał.
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He lied to us.
Byłabym wdzięczna.
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I'd really appreciate it.
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to appreciate
Otwórzcie książki na piątej stronie.
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Open your books on page 5.

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