Ania 16th Sept 2015

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Question Answer
jeszcze raz
start learning
once again
wyjść do szkoły
start learning
to leave FOR school
to jest oczywiste
start learning
it's obvious
Ile czasu to zajęło?
start learning
How much time did it take?
Ile czasu to zajmuje?
start learning
How much time does it take?
start learning
start learning
start learning
mieszać / mylić
start learning
to confuse
Don't cofuse these words.
często mylone słowa
start learning
commonly cofused words
to częsty / powszechny błąd
start learning
it's a common mistake
To trwa 60 minut.
To trwało 60 minut.
start learning
It lasts 60 minutes.
It lasted 60 minutes.
Nie lubię zmywać naczyń.
start learning
I don't like doing the dishes. / I don't like washing-up.
Nie lubię jeździć na rowerze.
start learning
I don't like biking. / I don't like riding a bike.
Czy mówisz po niemiecku?
start learning
Do you speak German?
Poszliśmy do mnie.
start learning
We went to mine. / We went to my place.
Ona dużo czyta.
Ona czyta dużo historycznych książek.
start learning
She reads a lot.
She reads a lot of history books.
start learning
jedna butelka wina
start learning
one bottle of wine
na całą noc
start learning
for the whole night
iść na ryby
start learning
to go fishing
pojść na narty
start learning
to go skiing
pójść pobiegać
start learning
to go jogging
zrobić zakupy
start learning
to do the shopping
Dam ci znać.
start learning
I'll let you know.
Pomogę ci.
start learning
I'll help you.

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