agnieszka 3rd Jan 2013

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co słychać?
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how are you? = how are you doing?
Wypiłam jeden kieliszek szampana.
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I drank one glass of champagne.
o około dziesiątej
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at about ten / at around ten
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
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Happy New Year
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New Year's Eve
w Sylwestra
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on New Year's Eve
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Christmas Eve
w Wigilię
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ON Christmas Eve
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postanowienie noworoczne
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New Year's resolution
robić postanowienia
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to make resolutions
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to resolve to do sth
Postanawiam chodzić na basen dwa razy w tygodniu.
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I resolve to go to the pool at least twice a week.
Postanowiłam chodzić na basen dwa razy w tygodniu.
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I resolved to go to the pool at least twice a week.
Postanowiłam ćwiczyć codziennie.
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I resolved to do exercise evvery day.
robić szpagat
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to do the splits
Postanowiłam nauczyć się robić szpagat.
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I resolved to learn to do the splits.
Postanowiłam jeść mniej słodyczy.
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I resolved to eat less sweets.
trzymam za Ciebie kciuki
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I keep my fingers crossed for you.
jak ona się czuje?
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how is she feeling?
Ona czuje się lepiej.
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She's (feeling) better.
ale bolą ją oczy
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but her eyer hurt
boli mnie noga
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my leg hurts
pozdrów swoja bacię ode mnie
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say hi to your granny from me

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