5: Varia

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I am waiting for my friend
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J'attends mon ami
Michel is selling his old car
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Michel vend sa vieille voiture
to hear
do you hear? That's your cellphone
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Tu entends? C'est ton portable
To bring a visit (to a person)
we are visiting the neighbours on Sunday
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rendre visite à
nous rendons visite aux voisins dimanche
to answer
I am answering!
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Je réponds!
to lose
Children often lose the keys
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Les enfants perdent souvent les clés
to get off/down
Where do we get off the bus?
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Où est-ce qu'on descend de l'autobus?
to answer
they always answer my questions
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répondre (à)
Ils répondent toujours à mes questions
to defend / to forbid
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to waste time
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perdre du temps
to visit (something)
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to give back, return (smt)
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To stretch out (smth), to offer
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Do they sell clothes here?
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Vend-on des vêtements ici?
Is he choosing the book?
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Choisit-il le livre?
to attend (smth)
we attend a concert saturday evening
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assister à (smth)
nous assistons à un concert samedi soir
Gaspard rarely succeeds
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Gaspard réussit rarement
hardly, ever
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très peu
presently, currently, nowadays
Where are you working nowadays?
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où est-ce que tu travailles actuellement?
Wait! I'm coming down soon
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Attends! Je descends bientôt
Right now, at this moment
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en ce moment
(a little) later
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(un peu) plus tard
next (adj.)
Paul is leaving his job next week
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prochain, prochaine
Paul quitte son boulot la semaine prochaine
In a little while
We're visitting Sylvie in a little while
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tout à l'heure
On rend visite à Sylvie tout à l'heure
I have been studying French for a year
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J'étudie le français depuis un an
We've been waiting for the bus for a while
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On attend le bus depuis quelque temps
My brother has been living in Paris since March
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Mon frère habite à Paris depuis mars
Since when do you travel?
pol., inv.
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Depuis quand voyagez-vous?
How long have you been living here? (lived here)
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Depuis combien de temps habites-tu ici?
Het zijn er twee (jaren) dat ik in Parijs woon
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Il y a deux ans que j'habite à Paris
il y a ... que...
Hela, al twee jaar woon ik in Parijs
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Voilà, deux ans que j'habite à Paris
voilà ... que...
Het maakt twee jaar dat ik in Parijs woon
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ça fait deux ans que j'habite à Paris
ça fait... que...
Ik woon sinds twee jaar in Parijs
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J'habite à Paris depuis deux ans
... depuis...
a toothbrush
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une brosse à dent
a hairbrush
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une brosse à cheveux
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les couches (f)
a toothpaste
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un dentifrice
thread and needle
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de fil et une aiguille
a make-up
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un maquillage
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des mouchoirs (m)
nail polish
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le vernis à ongles
a comb
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Un peigne
rasor blades
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lames de rasoir (f)
a lipstick
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un rouge à lèvres
a (electric) razor
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un rasoir (électrique)
a soap
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un savon
a shampoo
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un shampooing
to get together
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nous retrouveons
our loved ones
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nos proches (m)
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maintained, managed
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tenu, tenue
to leaf through
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to be ready to
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être prêt, prête à
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to share
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the messages, mails
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les courriels
the onion
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the horse
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le cheval
the keys
buttons on a keyboard
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les touches

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