5 A jedzenie i picie WYRAŻENIA

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I don’t eat a lot of bread or pasta.
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Nie jem dużo chleba ani makaronu.
I eat breakfast at home every morning.
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Jem śniadanie w domu każdego ranka.
I like toast with butter.
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Lubię tosty z masłem.
I often have cereal for breakfast.
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Często jem płatki na śniadanie.
Do you like French cheese?
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Lubisz francuskie sery?
I eat chocolate every day.
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Codziennie jem czekoladę.
I drink coffee with hot milk.
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Piję kawę z gorącym mlekiem.
Dinner is usually a big meal.
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Kolacja to zazwyczaj spory posiłek.
My favourite fruit is oranges.
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Pomarańcze to moje ulubione owoce.
We have lunch at 1.00 p.m.
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Jemy obiad o pierwszej.
They don’t have meat for lunch.
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Oni nie jedzą mięsa na obiad.
I put milk in tea, but not in coffee.
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Używam mleka do herbaty ale nie do kawy.
Do you prefer orange juice or coffee for breakfast?
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Wolisz sok pomarańczowy czy kawę na śniadanie?
We like pasta with tomato sauce.
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Lubimy makaron z sosem pomidorowym.
She has eggs, potatoes, and sausages for breakfast.
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Ona je jajka, ziemniaki i kiełbaski na śniadanie.
How much is the cheese sandwich?
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Ile kosztuje kanapka z serem?
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
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Czy pomidor to owoc czy warzywo?
I drink two litres of water every day.
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Piję dwa litry wody codziennie.
I like yoghurt with fruit.
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Lubię jogurt z owocami.
They don't drink tea in the afternoon.
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Oni nie piją herbaty po południu.
I sometimes eat pizza at the weekend.
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Czasem jem pizzę w weekend.

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