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do the cleaning
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do the cooking
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do the ironing
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do the shopping
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robić zakupy
do the washing
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zrobić pranie
do the washing-up
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do the vacuuming
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wykonaj odkurzanie
empty the dishwasher
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opróżnić zmywarkę
lay the table
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nakryć do stołu
make breakfast / dinner
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zrobić śniadanie / kolacja
make the bed
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słać łóżko
take the rubbish out
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wziąć śmieci
tidy your room
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sprzątać swój pokój
wash the car
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umyć samochód
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charity shop
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sklep charytatywny
good for you
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Brawo! Znakomicie!
ha ha very funny
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ha ha bardzo śmieszne
how do you know?
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Skąd wiesz?
sort out
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you do that
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Tak więc zrób.

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