English Words

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oppress abuse victimize ill-treat mistreat maltreat discriminate against punish inflict pain/suffering on tyrannize afflict
Paul persecuted Christians and became a Christian. ____________ Paulus verfolgte Christen und wurde Christ
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unlikely not likely improbable questionable doubtful debatable hard to believe unconvincing far-fetched unrealistic incredible unbelievable unimaginable inconceivable fantastic fanciful ridiculous absurd preposterous hard to swallow cock and bull
That’s inherently implausible. _______________Das ist von Natur aus unplausibel
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Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. E. g intrinsic innate immanent built-in inborn ingrained deep-rooted essential fundamental basic implicit structural characteristic organic inseparable permanent
The president's inherent foreign affairs power________Die außenpolitische Macht des Präsidenten
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cause severe and extensive damage to. lay waste devastate ruin leave in ruins destroy wreak havoc on leave desolate level raze demolish wipe out wreck damage pillage plunder harry maraud ransack sack loot despoil rape spoil havoc depredate spoliate
The hurricane ravaged southern Florida. _________ Der Hurrikan verwüstete Südflorida
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slow to reveal emotion or opinions. _____"He is a reserved, almost taciturn man"_______„Er ist ein reservierter, fast schweigsamer Mann“
reserved restrained quiet private self-contained uncommunicative unsociable constrained aloof detached distant withdrawn guarded secretive close silent taciturn shy retiring diffident timid demure shrinking inhibited introverted frigid retired

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