Festa matta - Party Hard

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Riesce ad avere ritmo con delle vecchie pentole da cucina.
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She can beat out a musical groove on old cooking pans.
Scegliete l'alcol per stasera!
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Choose the poison for tonight!
C'è una festa in miniera martedì prossimo, se volete venire.
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There is a shindig at mine next Tuesday if you want to come.
Izzy è in bagno, puzzolente da morire.
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Izzy is in the bathroom, completely stinko.
Hai mai pensato di trovare un lavoro invece di sorseggiare birra tutto il giorno?
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to swig
Did you ever thinking about getting a job instead of swigging beers all day?
porta gli alcolici
Non devi comprare regali, ma per favore porta gli alcolici.
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"bring your own booze"
You don't have to buy presents but please B.Y.O.B.
dare energia
Mangia molta frutta, ti darà energia.
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to juice up
Eat a lot of fruit, it will juice you up.
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"Slang americano"
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