Chinese loanwords
Chinese is easy with VocApp
Chinese loanwords
Have you already learned how to say hello in chinese and are looking for something else? Do you have the basic knowledge of the chinese language and wish to learn something new?
Well, VocApp created this course just for you! Learn chinese through chinese loanwords!
What is a loanword ?
A loanword is a word adopted from a foreign language with little or no modification. However, for the chinese language, chinese loanwords do vary quite a bit, for the alphabet and the pronunciation are very different from most languages. With this chinese course you will be able to learn chinese through the use of chinese loanwords that come from the english language. For example. in this chinese course you will learn chinese words like ‘巧克力’which is the chinese word for ‘chocolate’.
Chinese learning app
With VocApp you will find a new chinese learning app that can help you learn has many chinese words has you want, while providing you with the tools you need to study this foreign language. With VocApp you will find many chinese courses made just for you! Improve your chinese language skills with us and learn the chinese loanwords that can help you in your future!
And don’t forget, if you want to continue learning chinese words, after this course of Chinese loanwords you can look at our chinese course: 1000 Chinese words!
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