Everyday phrases in Catalan
Englishcatalà, valencià

Everyday phrases in Catalan
Learn useful Catalan phrases

Learn easier thanks to thematic lessons!
Get to know natural expressions used by native speakers!
Learn the language of Anton Gaudi and Pep Guardiola!
Catalan will help you understand Spanish and other romance languages!
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Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases - Salutacions, comiats i frases de cortesiaGreetings, farewells and courtesy phrases - Salutacions, comiats i fra...  
20 flashcards
Shopping - ComprantShopping - Comprant  
20 flashcards
At school - A l´escolaAt school - A l´escola  
19 flashcards
In a bank - Al bancIn a bank - Al banc  
20 flashcards
In a restaurant - Al restaurantIn a restaurant - Al restaurant  
20 flashcards
In an interview - En una entrevistaIn an interview - En una entrevista  
20 flashcards
At work - Al treballAt work - Al treball  
20 flashcards
In a hotel - A l´hotelIn a hotel - A l´hotel  
20 flashcards
Show all lessons (26)

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Why is it important to learn Catalan?

Did you know that Catalan is the second most spoken language in Spain? Catalan is the official language of Catalonia. Catalan is known to be one of the fastest languages in the world. The Catalan language is in full growth. Catalan is one of the most used languages in the business world in Barcelona. Speaking Catalan helps to deepen the knowledge of Catalan culture by promoting a deeper understanding of its culture and history. Several works of the modern era were created by artists of Catalan origin, such as Salvador Dalí and Francisco Ribalta. There are a multitude of untranslated books, events or specialized websites that have Catalan as their official language and can only be enjoyed in their entirety with the knowledge of the language.

Everyday phrases in Catalan

With this course, Everyday phrases in Catalan, you will be able to learn the most used phrases in Catalan . You can manage your time and learn at your own pace. With the help of flashcards it will be easier to memorize and learn to speak Catalan. This course is a way to learn Catalan in a fun way. You will have access to varied vocabulary, you will be able to learn the most used Catalan words, basic Spanish words and Catalan phrases adapted to the most varied situations. You will have access to lessons to communicate on public transport, at school, at a bank and many more places in your daily life. With this app to learn Catalan, you will not lack reasons to learn Catalan in a practical and intuitive way. Learn Catalan may seem an impossible task, but thanks to our memorization system, it is easier to memorize Catalan phrases, Catalan words, thanks to the selection that the Vocapp team made of Everyday phrases in Catalan. Try our other courses: Catalan in 1 day and Catalan day 2
