Asking and giving advice - Preguntant i donant consells

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You had better ask your dad before doing that.
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Tinguéreu que haber preguntat millor al vostre pare abans de fer això.
In my opinion, you should convince her it was an accident.
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En la meva opinió, hauries de convèncer-la que va ser un accident.
It's generally a good idea to ask your dad to intercede for you.
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Generalment és una bona idea demanar al teu pare que intercedi per tu.
What I said is my personal recommendation.
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El que vaig dir és la meva recomanació personal.
Why don't you ask for an apology?
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Per què no demanes disculpes?
What do you advise me?
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Què m'aconsejes?
If you were in my place, what would you do?
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Si estiguereu al meu lloc, què faríeu?
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"Everyday phrases in Catalan"
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