Everyday phrases in Russian
Englishрусский язык

Everyday phrases in Russian
Surprise the natives with your knowledge of Russian!

The most popular phrases to be used in any situation you may find yourself in!
Be able to provide and receive information from anybody
Learn the most important phrases
Use our ready-made sentences or tailor them to your needs!
try it for free (20 flashcards) or Get full access
Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases - Приветствия, прощания и вежливые фразыGreetings, farewells and courtesy phrases - Приветствия, прощания и ве...  
20 flashcards
Shopping - ПокупкиShopping - Покупки  
20 flashcards
At school - В школеAt school - В школе  
19 flashcards
In a bank - В банкеIn a bank - В банке  
20 flashcards
In a restaurant - В ресторанеIn a restaurant - В ресторане  
20 flashcards
In an interview - На собеседованииIn an interview - На собеседовании  
20 flashcards
At work - На работеAt work - На работе  
20 flashcards
In a hotel - В отелеIn a hotel - В отеле  
20 flashcards
Show all lessons (26)

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ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

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Why you should learn Russian?

It goes without a saying that to understand a language’s culture you must know how to speak that language, especially Russian. Russia is a country with a very rich culture that you won’t be able to understand well if you don’t learn a bit of Russian language, even if its simple Russian phrases or Russian words. This way you will be able to understand and develop a better understanding of the great Russian literature and the culture that created it. Find out more about everyday Russian phrases below.

How VocApp can help you learn everyday phrases in Russian!

Thanks to our application, learning the Russian language or simple Russian phrases that you can use in your life has never been easier! Most people think that Russian is one of the most difficult languages, but then again every language has its difficulties. Luckily, with VocApp you can start with our course that can help you start learning Russian with ease. You can start with our everyday Russian phrases and why not check other courses that might help you improve even more! With our "Everyday phrases in Russian" course you will:

  • 1 Learn the most popular Russian phrases to be used in any situation you may find yourself in
  • 2 Be able to provide and receive information from anybody
  • 3 Learn the most important Russian phrases
  • 4 Be able to use our ready-made sentences or tailor them to your needs
  • 5 Save time thanks to VocApp Spaced Repetition System
  • 6 Gain more confidence in your Russian language skills with our effective flashcards

Everyday Russian phrases course

Learning Russian phrases with our "Everyday phrases in Russian" course will be as fast as the snap of your finger. You will save time learning the best Russian phrases we have prepared for you. You will start with Russian greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases and move your way up to different daily situations you might find yourself in. Such can be an interview, in a restaurant, in a bank or at school. Install VocApp today and start learning everyday Russian phrases! Take a look at other Russian flashcard courses, such as Russian for travelling and Small talk in Russian.
