Business Russian - HR
Englishрусский язык

Business Russian - HR
Looking for an HR job in a Russian speaking country? Learn the vocabulary you will need!

Over 800 important HR words and phrases in one course
Enrich your business vocabulary easily with flashcards
Learn professional phrases in an efficient way to impress at work
Thanks to this course, you will be prepared for any discussion about safety, heath, salary and more
try it for free (40 flashcards) or Get full access
General Terms - Общие терминыGeneral Terms - Общие термины  
92 flashcards
Applying for a job - Подача заявки на работуApplying for a job - Подача заявки на работу  
93 flashcards
Employment - РаботаEmployment - Работа  
98 flashcards
Training and motivating - Тренинг и мотивированиеTraining and motivating - Тренинг и мотивирование  
120 flashcards
Employees - СотрудникиEmployees - Сотрудники  
65 flashcards
Payment and benefits - Оплата и льготыPayment and benefits - Оплата и льготы  
103 flashcards
Development - РазвитиеDevelopment - Развитие  
70 flashcards
Problems and discipline - Проблемы и дисциплинаProblems and discipline - Проблемы и дисциплина  
122 flashcards
Show all lessons (10)

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VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696

Reasons to learn business Russian

There are many reasons why it's really important to start learning Russian vocabulary for business. If you're planning to study in the Russian Federation or work in a Russian company, this course will be extremely useful, because it will present you some of the most important Russian vocabulary for the HR business field. Business Russian vocabulary includes Russian words and Russian phrases to use in order to learn more about your tasks, conduct an interview or a meeting, explain your opinion, deliver a presentation or write business reports. If you want to work in a Russian-speaking country, start this course to easily master the main business Russian vocabulary! The flashcards will help you study in an effective way, investing a bit of time and getting great results. Let's summarize the main reasons to learn business Russian vocabulary and start the task!

  • 1. Getting an advantage in negotiations - you will know the language of your business partners
  • 2. An additional valuable skill in your CV
  • 3. Great for self-developing and an amazing brain exercise
  • 4. More communication - you will be able to talk to your coworkers and learn more about the Russian business culture
  • 5. You will know one of the most spoken languages in the world and be able to use it in many Russian-speaking countries

Study business Russian vocabulary

This course of Russian for work will introduce you to over 800 flashcards on several important HR topics, from general terms to Russian vocabulary related to the application and recruitment process, training and motivating, payments and benefits, etc. Each of the phrases and words of Russian for work comes with its translation and the correct Russian pronunciation for you to practice your speaking skills. You can always download the flashcards as an MP3 file and learn the business Russian vocabulary by listening to it on the go. Our Spaced Repetition System will ensure you that you will remember the new Russian vocabulary forever by just repeating it on time. Start learning business Russian vocabulary right now for an amazing career in HR!

Continue learning Russian

This is not the only professional business Russian course on our site! Check out the other business courses to learn important Russian vocabulary for the IT field, for great presentations and general business Russian words and phrases to use at work:

Business Russian - IT

Business Russian - Presentations

Small talk in Russian
