At school - Skolā

 0    19 flashcards    VocApp
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I have some doubts about the task.
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Man ir dažas neskaidrības sakarā ar šo uzdevumu.
What does it mean?
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Ko tas nozīmē?
I need help with this task.
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Man vajag palīdzēt ar šo uzdevumu.
Do we have a test?
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Vai mums ir kontroldarbs?
How is this word pronounced?
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Kā ir jāizrunā šis vārds?
We have to read two texts for the next week.
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Mums ir jāizlasa divi teksti uz nākamo nedēļu.
I don't understand the lesson.
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Es nesaprotu šo nodarbību.
also: Es nesaprotu.
+12 flashcards
The lesson is part of the course
"Everyday phrases in Latvian"
(total 515 flashcards)

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