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Question Answer
Whose fault was it?
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Czyja to była wina?
Who is to blame?
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Kto jest winny?
to convince
How did you manage to convince them?
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Jak udało ci się ich przekonać?
a foreman
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brygadzista, majster
to swear / to curse
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przysięgać / przeklinać
reliable, believable
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rzetelny, wiarygodny
this industry is very...
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ta branża jest bardzo...
to offend someone / to insult somebody
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obrażać kogoś
people who have something against
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ludzie, którzy mają coś przeciwko
in-built area
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teren zabudowany
to make maneuvers
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wykonywać manewry
to pick somebody up
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poderwać kogoś

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