TB3-List...13 y 14

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I haven’t seen them yet.
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No los he visto todavía.
Has anything been done?.
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¿Se ha hecho algo?.
I’ve been trying to find him for hours.
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He estado tratando de encontrarlo desde hace horas.
I haven’t seen them for a long time.
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No los he visto desde hace un largo tiempo.
How long have you been away?.
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¿Cuánto tiempo has estado fuera?.
Has it ever occur to you to bring it here?.
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¿Se te ha ocurrido alguna vez traerlo aquí?.
Wherever he is I’ll find him.
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Esté donde esté le encontraré.
Do I have to do it?.
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¿Tengo que hacerlo?.
Who has to do it?.
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¿Quién tiene que hacerlo?.
They used to have more problems.
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Antes tenían más problemas.
I’ve been here since yesterday.
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He estado aquí desde ayer.
Nobody has signed it yet.
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Nadie lo ha firmado aún.
It has to be signed.
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Tiene que ser firmado.
Who is authorised to sign it?.
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¿Quién está autorizado para firmarlo?.
Whoever did this, did a good job.
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Quienquiera que hizo esto hizo un buen trabajo.
I’ve never said such a thing.
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Jamás he dicho semejante cosa.
The class was so boring that I fell asleep.
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La clase fue tan aburrida que me dormí.
It was such a boring class that I fell asleep.
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Fue una clase tan aburrida que me dormí.
You shouldn’t have fallen asleep.
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No deberías haberte dormido.
I couldn’t help it.
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No lo pudé evitarlo.
There must be a solution.
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Debe de haber una solución.
There may be more than one person.
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Puede que haya más de una persona.
There should be more chairs here.
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Debería haber más sillas aquí.
There’s going to be a party later.
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Va a haber una fiesta más tarde.
There’ll be a lot of people when we get there.
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Habrá mucha gente cuando lleguemos allí.
There could be a problem.
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Podría haber un problema.
There has to be a way to do it.
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Tiene que haber un modo de hacerlo.
There have to be several ways.
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Tiene que haber varios modos.
Then what are we waiting for?.
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Entonces ¿Qué estamos esperando?.
There’ve been several cases.
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Ha habido varios casos.
There’s never been a strike like this one.
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Nunca ha habido una huelga como esta.
What makes this one different?.
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¿Qué hace a esta distinta?.
Because nobody is supporting it.
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Porque nadie la está apoyando.
He’s an easygoing person.
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Él es una persona tranquila.
Why are you so quiet?.
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¿Por qué estás tan callado?.
I only talk when I have to.
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Sólo hablo cuando tengo que.
I want you to tell us your opinion.
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Quiero que nos digas tu opinión.
I think the project is going to fail.
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Creo que el proyecto va a fracasar.
We think the opposite.
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Nosotros creemos lo contrario.
You’re making a big mistake.
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Estáis cometiendo un gran error.
What do you base your opinion on?.
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¿En qué basas tu opinión?.
I’ve seen the same mistake made thousands of times.
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He visto el mismo error cometido miles de veces.
What makes you think this time is going to be different?.
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¿Qué os hace creer que esta vez va a ser diferente?.
Who’s going to take care of me?.
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¿Quién me va a cuidar?.
You’ll get better, don’t worry.
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Te pondrás mejor, no te preocupes.
It’s easy for you to say that.
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Es fácil para ti decir eso.
Nothing is easy nowadays.
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Nada es fácil hoy en día.
The sky is starting to clear up.
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El cielo está empezando a despejarse.
As you get older.
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A medida que te hagas más mayor.
They are smarter than you think.
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Son más listos de lo que crees.
Why is it taking them so long?.
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¿Por qué les esta tomando tanto tiempo?.
How long does it take to go by bus?.
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Cuanto se tarda ir en autobus?.
It took us forever because of the traffic.
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Nos tomó muchisimo tiempo por el trafico.
How long does it take to get your license?.
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Cuanto se tarda para sacar tu licencia?.
It will take us an hour if we go that way.
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Nos tomara una hora si vamos por ahi.
The lights are off.
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Las luces están apagadas.
Who turned them off?.
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¿Quién las apagó?.
The lights were off. They were already off when I got here.
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Las luces estaban apagadas. Ya estaban apagadas cuando llegue aquí.
Then, the lights they’ve been off for at least two days.
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Entonces las luces llevan al menos dos días apagadas.
Have the letters been sent yet?.
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¿Se han mandado ya las cartas?.
I mailed them last night.
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Las envié po correo a noche.
When will they reach the destination?.
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¿Cuándo llegarán a su destino?.
Who knows.
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Quién sabe.
I hope they arrive in time.
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Espero que lleguen a tiempo.
In time for what?.
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¿A tiempo de qué?.
They have to arrive before the deadline.
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Tienen que llegar antes de la fecha limite.
Where have you been lately?.
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¿Dónde has estado últimamente?.
I was operated on a month ago.
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Fui operado hace un mes.
How do you feel?.
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¿Cómo te encuentras?.
I’m getting better.
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Estoy mejorando.
What was the matter?.
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¿Qué te pasaba?.
I broke a finger.
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Me rompí un dedo.
They’ve been married for three months.
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Han estado casados desde hace tres meses.
There used to be more people here.
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Antes había más gente aquí.
That was when things were going better.
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Eso fue cuando las cosas iban mejor.
Are you losing money?.
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¿Estáis perdiendo dinero?.
We’ve been losing money for two years.
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Hemos estado perdiendo dinero desde hace dos años.
People are buying less.
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La gente está comprando menos.
They’ve left.
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Se han marchado.
They didn’t want to stay here.
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No querían quedarse aquí.
Why didn’t they want to stay?.
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¿Por qué no querían quedarse?.
They said they had a lot of things to do.
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Dijeron que tenían muchas cosas que hacer.
I wonder what they had to do.
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Me pregunto que tendrían que hacer.
Somebody is knocking at the door.
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Alguien está llamando a la puerta.
I wonder who it is.
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Me pregunto quien será.
Maybe it’s John.
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A lo mejor es Juan.
Were you expecting him?.
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¿Lo estabas esperando?.
I don’t know who else it could be.
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No sé quien más podría ser.
Your brother used to come here a lot.
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Antes tu hermano venía mucho por aquí.
That was when we got along.
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Eso era cuando nos llevábamos bien.
Don’t you get along anymore?.
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¿Ya no se lleván bien?.
We hate each other.
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Nos odiamos.
I’m sorry to hear that.
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Lamento oír eso.
That´s life.
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Así es la vida.
We haven’t spoken to each other for a year.
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No nos hablamos desde hace un año.
Let’s talk about something else.
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Hablemos de otra cosa.
What do you want us to talk about?.
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¿De qué quieres que hablemos?.
About anything.
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De cualquier cosa.
How about talking about movies?.
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¿Qué tal si hablamos de cine?.
I don’t feel like talking.
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No me apetece hablar.
What do you feel like doing?.
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¿Qué te apetece hacer?.
Let’s go somewhere else.
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Vámonos a otra parte.
Familiarity breeds memory.
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La familiaridad cria memoria.

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