styczeń 23-1

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mieć sens
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make sens
make sens to do sth
It makes sense to buy now while prices are low.
mieć sens = wymyślić coś
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make sens of sth= make sth up
I can't make up what he wants from me.
I’m trying to make sense of this document.
obejść się bez = poradzić sobie bez
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do without= manage without
We’ll just have to do without a phone.
oszczędzać = oszczędzać, chronić
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We must conserve the country’s natural resources.
żniwa, zbiór
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nasiona, ziarna
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a task
robić swoje= wykonać swoje zadanie
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do one’s bit= do one’s task
Każdy będzie musiał wykonać swoja część, jeśli mamy zakończyć pracę na czas.
Everybody will have to do their bit if we are to finish the job on time.
upewniać się, sprawdzić
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make sure (that)
Make sure that you close all the windows before you leave.
zadowolić się
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make do (with)
If we can’t get a bigger room we’ll have to make do with this.
To akcept that sth is less good than you would like.
zmuszać kogoś do czegoś, kazać
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make sb do sth
You can’t make me go.
to force someone to do sth
coś wymyślić = wymyślić
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make sth up= invent
I made up some story about my sick uncle.
to say or write sth that is not true
wynagrodzić, nadrobić
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make up for
Next week we’ll try to make up for lost time.
wynagrodzić coś, zrekompensować
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make up for sth
I hope this money will make up for the inconvenience.
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umyślnie, specjalnie, celowo
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wyjdzie komus na dobre
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do someone good
it will do you good.
zyskać reputację, kontrolę, uwagę, sławę
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to gain reputation, control, atention, fame
jak najlepiej wykorzystać, wykorzystać w pełni
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make the most of sth
You’ll only get one chance, so you’d better make the most of it.
musimy wyremontować nasz dom
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We have to do up our house.
do up
czy zapiales plaszcz?
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Do your coat up? ti’s cold outside.
do up
korzystać z czegoś
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make use of sth
sportowe wyposarzenie
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sports equipment, facilities
dostrzegać coś, doslyszeć coś
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make out sth

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