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znaleźć się na pierwszym planie
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come to the fore
to make people think that someone or something is less good
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to become or make something become weaker, lower, less serious, etc; go down, fade away
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with a pleasant smell
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akcent wyrazowy
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word stress
poruszyć problem, zająć się problemem
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address a problem
feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder
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at some undetermined time in the future
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in years to come
to eat sth noisily
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unpleasantly small and uncomfortable
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to show sudden anger; obruszyć się
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zniechęcać kogoś
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put sb off
I must admit that... (przyznanie komuś racji, zmiana punktu widzenia)
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I'll grant you that...
Nigdy nie będąc w...
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Never having been to...
something that is strongly disliked or disapproved of; something that is considered completely wrong and offensive
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pozostawiać wiele do życzenia
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leave a bit to be desired
typical of winter
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tom (książki)
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A person or society that is permissive allows behaviour that other people might disapprove of; liberalny, poblażliwy, dozwolony
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z umiarem; the quality of doing something within reasonable limits
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in moderation/moderately
showing that you do not think something is worth considering
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A hackneyed phrase or idea has been said or used so often that it has become boring and has no meaning
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doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it; If a film, play, sports event, book, etc. is compulsive, it is so interesting or exciting that you do not want to stop watching or reading it
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(especially of jokes, films, stories, etc.) showing no new ideas or too often repeated, and therefore not funny or interesting
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a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens
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artificial and difficult to believe
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to make someone have a feeling that they had in the past
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samolot śmigłowy
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propeller plane
a weight attached to a fishing net or line to keep it under the water
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not showing much awareness or interest in the world around you
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to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning
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być ostrożnym, uważnie słuchać
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take heed
carrying or holding a lot of something; having a lot of something, especially something unpleasant such as debt
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death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided
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to force someone to do something; to produce a strong feeling or reaction; to force someone to do something
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a large piece of cloth with buildings, countryside, etc. painted on it, hung at the back of a stage during a performance; the view behind something; the general situation in which particular events happen
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to become known, especially as a result of examining something or asking questions about it
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If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one; to continue to have a powerful effect or value; to be filled with a particular quality
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to keep someone's attention completely
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o spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable
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gazy cieplarniane
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greenhouse gases
eksploatacja źródeł żywności
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the exploitation of food sources
zmiejszenie naturalnych źródeł
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the depletion of natural resources
społeczeństwo "wyrzucania"
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throwaway society
ryzyko wyginięcia gatunków
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the threat of species becoming extinct
nadmierna konsumpcja energii
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the excessive consumption of energy
If someone's behaviour is reprehensible, it is extremely bad or unacceptable
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not possible to change; impossible to return to a previous condition
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causing harm or damage
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growing or developing quickly
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too much or too many
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not showing careful choice or planning, especially so that harm results; nieprzemyślany; pozbawiony skrupułów
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the use of something in order to get an advantage from it; the act of using someone unfairly for your own advantage
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a reduction in something
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to go away from a place, esp. on a trip; If you depart from your usual or intended activity or behavior, you do something different
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having a lot of influence on someone or something
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controlling or influencing sth directly, or deciding what will happen
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lasting for a long time or for ever
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to collect a large number of things over a long period of time; to gradually increase in number or amount
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pojawienie się czegoś, nastanie czegoś, nadejście czegoś
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the emergence of
wszystkie rodzaje czegoś
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all manner of
z punktu widzenia czegoś, biorąc coś pod uwagę, pod względem czegoś
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in terms of
w obszarze, rejonie (metaforycznie też)
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areas of
w fazie
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phase of
w schemacie, w zwyczaju
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pattern(s) of
szczegóły czegoś
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details of
to live in a place; zamieszkiwać
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dobrze wyglądający, zachęcający
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visually appealing
smaczny (kubki smakowe)
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appealing to the taste buds
a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise
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awe (be in awe OF)
zarabiać na chleb, wiązać koniec z końcem
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keep the wolf from the door
w ślimacznym tempie
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(move) at a snail's pace
stchórzyć, rozmyślić się
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chicken out
móc podsłuchiwać, być niezauważonym (obserwatorem lub słuchaczem), podglądać, podsłuchiwać
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to be a fly on the wall
kręcony na żywo
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very thin, especially because of sickness or hunger; empty and not attractive
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not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel:
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bez wątpienia
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the most important part of something, providing support for everything else; podstawa, podpora, ostoja
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unusual in a pleasing and exciting or silly way; zwariowany, szurnięty, głupi, odjechany
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used to emphasize that something is not large or important; used to emphasize how strongly someone feels about something or how extreme a situation is; nothing more than; nothing more important than
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a belief or idea
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clearly noticeable; that certainly exists; clearly separate and different (from something else)
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distinct possibility
Kto o zdrowych zmysłach...?
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Who in their right mind would...?
podczas, w trakcie, gdy
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skończony, wyczerpywalny
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ażeby nie, w razie gdyby
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długoterminowy, długotrwały
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to try to deal with something or someone
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to strongly persuade someone to do something they do not want to do
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punkt zmęczenia materiału; granica wytrzymałości, punkt krytyczny
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breaking point
without becoming weaker in strength or force
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to have an effect on something, often by limiting it in some way
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impinge on/upon sth
the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive
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(under the) guise
sztuczne środowisko
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artificial environment
If two or more things are inseparable, they are so closely connected that they cannot be considered separately
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inseparable from
wywodzący się z czegoś, pochodzący skądś, mający źródło w czymś
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rooted in
to be connected with sth/to sth
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linked to
w centrum; u podstaw (np. problemu)
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at the core of
być przejawem czegoś; świadczyć o czymś, wskazywać na coś
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be indicative of sth
(of books, plays, etc.) involving serious and complicated or artistic ideas, or (of people) interested in serious and complicated subjects; a person who is only interested in serious art or complicated subjects
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(of entertainment) not complicated or demanding much intelligence to be understood
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tożsamość kulturowa
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cultural identity
a poor person who lives by asking others for money or food; a person, especially when you are expressing an opinion about something that they have done, or that has happened to them
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głęboki smutek
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great sadness
of or at the beginning
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the act of examining someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs
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never having happened or existed in the past
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suitable or right for a particular situation; able
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popularny pogląd, obiegowy sąd na temat czegoś
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conventional wisdom
wykracza, przerasta
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way beyond
z całą pewnością, całkowicie
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well and truly
na dodatek, w dodatku
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into the bargain
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ever such a lot
cokolwiek, jakkolwiek; w ogóle, absolutnie, zupełnie
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nic dziwnego, że
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no wonder
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to become less strong
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a strong, unpleasant smell
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with a pleasant smell
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wash down
stay away from sth
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steer clear
stary, zjełczały (olej)
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An acrid smell or taste is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat (smoke)
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listen attentively
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(listen) intently
to become extinct
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to die out
przeżyć na czymś (np. na niewielkiej wypłacie)
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get by on
generally speaking
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on the whole; largely; by and large; broadly speaking; it seems as if

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