Politik sistemler - Political systems

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coup d'etat
Coup d'etat may bring various forms.
çift meclis
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bicameral parliament
US parliament is a bicameral one.
ofiste çalışan kişi
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Political administration cannot be run without the clerks.
çift meclisli sistemlerdeki büyük kamara
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lower house
It may be easier to be elected to the lower house.
herhangi bir siyasi parti veya örgüte bağlı olmayan, sıradan halkın organize ettiği girişim
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grassroots initiative
Grassroots initiatives are at the heart of a real democracy.
güçler ayrılığı dengesini sağlayan düzenlemeler
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checks and balances
Checks and balances are fundamental for every democratic country.
seçim günü
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election day
The election day in the US is tomorrow.
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