MY 6

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it's hailing
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pada grad
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What a beautiful day! / What bad weather!
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Jaki Piękny dzień! / Co za zła pogoda!
What miserable weather!
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Co za nędzna pogoda!
It's stopped raining
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Przestało padać
There's not a cloud in the sky
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Na niebie nie ma chmur
The sky's overcast
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Niebo zachmurzone
It's clearing up
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przejaśnia się
The sun's come out
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wyszło słońce
The sun's just gone in
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Właśnie zaszło słońce
We had a lot of heavy rain this morning
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Tego ranka mieliśmy dużo ulewnego deszczu
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dwa tygodnie
What's the temperature?
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Jaka jest temperatura?
Temperatures are in the mid-20s
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Temperatury są około 20 stopni
What temperature do you think it is?
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Jak myślisz, jaka to temperatura?
Probably about 30°C
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Prawdopodobnie około 30 ° C
It's baking hot
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Jest skwar
It's freezing
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Jest okropnie zimno
It's below freezing
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Jest poniżej zera
What's the forecast?
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Jaka jest prognoza
It's forecast to rain
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Przewiduje się deszcz
It's going to freeze tonight
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W nocy będzie mróz
It looks like rain
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Wygląda na deszcz
It looks like it's going to rain
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Wygląda na to, że będzie padać
It's supposed to clear up later
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Ma się przejaśnić później
Is there anything I can do to help?
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Czy jest coś w czym mogę pomóc?
I'll wash and you dry
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Umyję się, a ty wycieraj
That was lovely
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To było cudowne/doskonałe
That was lovely/excellent/very tasty/delicious
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To było cudowne / doskonałe / bardzo smaczne / pyszne
Beware of the dog
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Uwaga zły pies
Would you like some more?
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Chcesz dokładkę?
Have you had enough to eat?
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najadłeś się?
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passive house
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dom pasywny
nearly zero energy building
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budynek o prawie zerowym zużyciu energii
steep slope
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nachylenie terenu
height difference
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różnica wysokości
internal road
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Droga wewnętrzna
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granica działki
front door/entrance door
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drzwi wejściowe
emphasizes the view for the surrounding landscape and the surface of the lake/overlooks the surrounding landscape
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podkreśla widok na otaczający krajobraz i taflę jeziora / wychodzi na otaczający krajobraz
the highest point
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Najwyższy punkt
being the seat of/including
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it generates a shadow
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wytwarza cień
protects users against sunlight
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chroni użytkowników przed działaniem promieni słonecznych
the ground floor will be situated on them/ the ground floor is to be situated on them; they are to be the basis of the ground floor
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na nich będzie zlokalizowany parter

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