lekcja 10 (school unit 3 )

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przejsc kontrole bezpieczenstwa
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go through security
kontrola bezpieczenstwa
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security check
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zanieczyszczenie powietrza przez auta
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traffic pollution
jezdzic po lewej/ prawej stronie
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travel on the left/ right
zepsuc sie
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break down
kierowac sie do
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head for
opozniac kogos
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hold sb up
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keep on
dotrzymywac komus kroku
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keep up with
odbierac kogos samochodem
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pick sb up
zjechac na pobocze
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pull over
przenocowac kogos
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put sb up
wyczerpac sie, nie miec juz
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run out of
wyruszyc w podroz
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sett of (on a journey)
zmienic sie w
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turn into
zrezygnowac z, porzucic
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walk away from
wyrazic wspolczucie
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express sympathy
miasto rodzinne
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nawiasem mowiac
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uspokoic przyjaciela
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reassure a friend
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a pillow
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snow boots
chusteczka higieniczna
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ubezpieczenie podrozne
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Travel insurance
rejs wycieczkowy
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plynac statkiem
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rejs lot
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isc boso
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walk barefoot
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godzina szczytu
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a rush hour
osrodek narciarski
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Ski resort
kurort nadmorski
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seaside resort
dluga podroz w odlegle rejony
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overland tour
odciac sie od rodziny/domu
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cut yourself off from your family / home
szkodzic czemus
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detract from
przeprowadzic, zrobic zgodnie z planem
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wedrowac z plecakiem
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go backpacking
byc mocno zwiazanym z domem rodzinnym
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have one foot firmly planted at home
byc na biezaco z
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keep up - to - date with
zanurzyc sie w obcej kulturze
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immerse yourself in a foreign culture
os ktora sue urodzila miedzy 1980-2000
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