kuchnia i parę zwrotów kolokwialnych - Taylor

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krewetki smażone na grillu, popularne tapas
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shrimp fried on the grill, popular tapas
cukinia, kabaczek, cukinia
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zucchini, squash, courgette
bakłażan, oberżyna
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eggplant, aubergine
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jeść mniej mięsa
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eat less meat, cut down on meat
pieczony kurczak
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roast chicken
odrąbać coś
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chop off something
ucierać, trzeć
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pound, rub, grated
chybiony, nieprzemyślany
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ineffective, be off base
ubić na krem
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whipped cream
kroić w plastry
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to slice
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to mince
gnieść, ucierać
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to mash
gotować na wolnym ogniu
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to simmer
gotowane jajko bez skorupki
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poached egg without the shell
cedzak, durszlak
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a strainer, colander
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a whisk
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a sieve
przybierać, garnierować
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nie mam pojęcia!
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I have no clue
zostawić coś za sobą
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To leave something behind
myśleć o czymś przez długi czas,
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I still wonder
od czasu do czasu / okazjonalnie
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from time to time / occasionally, once in a while

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