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mały dom
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small house
mam na imię agata
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my name is Agata
mieszkam w Lęborku
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I live in Lębork
interesuje się muzyką
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I'm interested in music
jestem w tej klasie od drugiego półrocza
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I have been in this class for the second half of the year
chciałabym kupić
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I would like to buy
zostaw, to moje
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leave it mine
zrywam z tobą
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I break up with you
potrzebuję cie
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I need you
nigdy nie chce cie stracić
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I never want to lose you
kiedy się znów zobaczymy
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when we see each other again
dlaczego to tyle trwa
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why does it take so long?
to jest trudne
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is difficult
nie ma za co
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not at all
dobry pomysł
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a good idea
tak zrobię
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I will
co ty na to
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What do you think
gramy teraz
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we're playing now
pogadamy zaraz
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We'll talk soon
to już koniec
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This is the end
po prostu
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złap mnie za rękę
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Hold my hand
potrzymaj proszę
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hold on please
przepraszam, zmienię się
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I'm sorry, I will change
nie wiedziałem
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I did not know
możesz powtorzyć
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You can repeat
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a wedding
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a church
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an anniversary
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a funeral
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an event
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zakończyć związek
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end a relationship
na obrazku widzimy, że ktoś zostawił telefon na ławce
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in the picture we see that someone left the phone
na obrazu widać, że ktoś zostawił telefon na ławce. Wygląda jak iphone
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in the picture you can see that someone left the phone on the bench. It looks like an iphone

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